Setting up a development install#

System Requirements#

The JupyterHub Pytest Plugin uses JupyterHub which can only run on macOS or Linux operating systems. If you are using Windows, we recommend using VirtualBox or a similar system to run Ubuntu Linux for development.

Install Python#

The JupyterHub Pytest Plugin is written in the Python programming language and requires you have at least version 3.8 installed locally. If you haven’t installed Python before, the recommended way to install it is to use Miniforge.

Install nodejs#

NodeJS 12+ is required for building some JavaScript components. configurable-http-proxy, the default proxy implementation for JupyterHub, is written in Javascript. If you have not installed NodeJS before, we recommend installing it in the miniconda environment you set up for Python. You can do so with conda install nodejs.

Many in the Jupyter community use [nvm](nvm-sh/nvm) to managing node dependencies.

Install git#

The JupyterHub Pytest Plugin uses Git & GitHub for development & collaboration. You need to install git to work on the JupyterHub Pytest Plugin. We also recommend getting a free account on

Setting up a development install#

When developing Pytest JupyterHub, you would need to make changes and be able to instantly test the changes. To achieve that, a developer install is required.


This guide does not attempt to dictate how development environments should be isolated since that is a personal preference and can be achieved in many ways, for example, tox, conda, docker, etc. See this forum thread for a more detailed discussion.

  1. Clone the Pytest JupyterHub repository to your computer.

    git clone
    cd pytest-jupyterhub
  2. Make sure the python and npm you installed are available to you on the command line.

    python -V

    This should return a version number greater than or equal to 3.8.

    npm -v

    This should return a version number greater than or equal to 5.0.

  3. Install configurable-http-proxy (required to run and test the default JupyterHub configuration):

    npm install -g configurable-http-proxy

    If you get an error that says Error: EACCES: permission denied, you might need to prefix the command with sudo. sudo may be required to perform a system-wide install. If you do not have access to sudo, you may instead run the following commands:

    npm install configurable-http-proxy
    export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/node_modules/.bin

    The second line needs to be run every time you open a new terminal.

    If you are using conda you can instead run:

    conda install configurable-http-proxy
  4. Install an editable version of Pytest-JupyterHub and its requirements for development and testing.

    python3 -m pip install --editable ".[test]"
  5. You are now good to go! Run the tests to confirm all required dependencies have been installed correctly.

    pytest -v --cov=pytest_jupyterhub tests

Happy Coding! :)